
Installing P0 on Okta takes about ten minutes.

Before you begin

Make sure you are an Okta user with the "Super Administrator" or "Application Administrator" administrative role or ask a user with on of these roles to install the P0 Okta integration.

Setting up Okta

  1. Navigate to "Integrations" on p0.app, then select "Okta":

  1. Copy the displayed public key, then navigate to your Okta admin dashboard:

  1. Click "Create App Integration". This will open an Okta app-creation interface:

  1. Choose "API Services", then click "Next". You'll now be prompted to name your app:

  1. Enter a name, then click "Save". Once the new app is created, choose "Edit" next to "Client credentials":

  1. Choose "Public key / Private key" authentication, then click "Add key". Paste the key you copied from P0 here, then click "Done":

  1. Select the "Okta API scopes" tab:

  1. Grant the okta.groups.manage and okta.users.read scopes.

The okta.apps.manage and okta.schemas.manage scopes are required if the user provisioning in AWS is configured using "In Okta SAML application".

If these scopes are not granted, the integration installation may succeed, but certain P0 functionality will break in the future.

  1. Return to the "General" tab, then copy the client ID:

  1. Return to P0, and paste your Okta URL and the client ID in the provided inputs:

  1. Click "Install Okta". After a few moments, P0 will display the number of detected groups in your Okta directory.

Last updated