Requesting Access

Requesting access to Microsoft Entra ID groups

Before you begin:

Microsoft Entra ID

The permissions that are to be granted for requesting access to Entra ID groups.

Requesting from Slack

We'll start by requesting access to groups in Entra ID via the p0 Slack Bot. If you haven't yet installed the Slack integration in your workspace, please do that first.


Once you've installed the Slack integration in your p0 app, you'll be able to make requests and approve/deny them directly inside of Slack.

Type /p0 request in Slack or click the run shortcut button [/] and locate the p0 bot ("Request access with p0Bot"). This will pop up a modal. Choose Entra ID from the Resource type to continue.

Access Type : Request access to group.

Group: Typeahead to select static groups

Reason: Optionally, provide a reason to be communicated to the approver(s).

Then click the button to submit the request, and see Next Steps:.

Slack command:

Alternatively the request can be raised the below commands

/p0 request azure-ad group --group-id XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXXX
/p0 request azure-ad group --group-name "Test Group 1"

groupId: GUID of the group in Entra ID

groupName: Complete name of the group to be requested within double quotes.

if both the options are provided groupId takes precedence.

Next Steps:

πŸ–οΈRequesting Access

Last updated